A Glossary for Telescope Buyers and Users
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jay Reynolds Freeman
This glossary is for people concerned with buying and using astronomical
telescopes, and so is restricted mostly to terms related to telescope
design, manufacture, and use. A glossary including astronomical terms
as well, would be too large for me to create and maintain.
I have included a generous handful of manufacturers, brand names, and
product-line names. I do not mean to imply product endorsement by my
I welcome corrections,
comments, and suggestions for additional words to include. I am particularly
eager to hear from beginners who tried to find a term here, and failed.
A. Jaegers
Former United States supplier
of telescope components and accessories, mid to late
twentieth century. Jaegers refractor
objectives are still in widespread use.
A type of refractor objective made from lenses -- usually two -- of
different materials, selected to bring two colors of light -- usually
blue and yellow -- to the same focal point, thereby bringing the rest
of the colors of visible light to very nearly the same focal point,
thus making a decent stab at being in focus for all colors of visible
light at the same time. That is, an achromat attempts to reduce
longitudinal chromatic aberration.
An achromat will also have
spherical aberration corrected at one
wavelength of light -- usually green.
actual field of view
A characteristic of eyepiece/telescope
The actual field of view is the angle, measured on the sky,
from one edge of the eyepiece field of view to the other.
It is approximately equal to the
apparent field of view
divided by the
altazimuth mounting
A kind of telescope mounting in which one of the two axes the telescope
turns about is pointed vertically, and the other horizontally.
The first axis is the azimuth axis, and the second is
the elevation axis.
A telescope on an altazimuth mounting must usually rotate around both
axes simultaneously, to follow celestial objects across the sky as the
Earth rotates. For telescopes not too large or too powerful,
a human being can usually operate an altazimuth mounting well enough for
visual observations. Several modern commercial amateur
telescopes have altazimuth mountings which are motor-driven and computer
Telescope mirrors used to be made of metal, laboriously worked to the
right shape. Metals tarnish, however, so that the labor -- or most of
it -- had to be repeated periodically: Polishing off the tarnish
changed the shape enough to matter. It was a big deal, in the
nineteenth century, when new chemical processes made it possible to
deposit a film of silver on glass: A tarnished mirror could
be repaired simply by removing the remains of the old coating chemically,
and depositing a new one. In the 1930s, the new process of aluminizing
allowed deposition of a coating of aluminum on a mirror
in a vacuum chamber, essentially by boiling aluminum vapor off a
heated piece of that metal.
Aluminum is much more tarnish-resistant than silver, hence its advantage.
Other metals and materials may similarly be deposited.
Alvan Clark and Sons
Former United States manufacturer of high-quality
classic refractors
from mid nineteenth to the early twentieth centuries.
Made instruments for both professionals and amateurs.
These telescopes are thought by many to be the finest
of their kind ever produced.
Loosely, "corrected for astigmatism", but
the more technically correct sense of this term is to describe an
optical system which is corrected for
spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism.
The point is, that in many common optical designs, spherical
aberration and coma tend to be more serious problems than astigmatism,
so there isn't much point in correcting astigmatism unless the other
two are already dealt with.
Loosely, the working diameter of a lens or mirror; the diameter of the
largest beam of light that can get through it. Also see
clear aperture.
aperture fever
An amateur astronomer who is eager to the point of obsession,
to have telescopes of ever larger
clear aperture,
is said to have
aperture fever. The disease is expensive to cure, particularly if it is
combined with refractoritis.
Loosely, "corrected for coma", but the more
technically correct sense of this term is to describe an optical
system which is corrected for both
spherical aberration and for coma. The point is, that in many
common optical designs, spherical aberration tends to be a more
serious problem than coma, so there isn't much point in correcting
coma unless spherical aberration is already dealt with.
Allegedly, an abbreviation for apochromat, but often
merely a meaningless marketing term.
A type of refractor objective made from lenses -- usually three --
of different materials, selected to bring three colors of light to the
same focal point, thereby bringing the colors that are in between to
very nearly the same focal point, thereby permitting a decent stab at
being well-focused for all colors of visible light at the same time.
Thus, an apochromat attempts to reduce
longitudinal chromatic aberration.
An apochromat will also have
spherical aberration corrected at two
wavelengths of light -- usually blue and yellow -- thus attempting to
chromatic variation of spherical aberration. It will probably
have coma corrected at one wavelength of
light -- usually green.
At any rate, what preceeds is the technical definition. There is an
increasing colloquial tendency to label any telescope which is
free, or almost free, from
chromatic aberration
an apochromat. The problem with that is that advertisers have
picked up on "apochromat" as a high-tech term useful in suckering
buyers: Thus as the years go by, what gets labeled "apochromat", gets
worse, and worse, and worse...
The problem is compounded because there are telescopes which are
apochromats in the technical sense, as discussed in the preceding
paragraphs, which in fact show a lot of
chromatic aberration when used visually. These early
apochromats had one of their "three colors" in the near ultraviolet,
so that they could be focused visually to take sharp photographs with
early blue/ultraviolet-sensitive photographic emulsions.
apparent field of view
A characteristic of eyepieces.
The apparent field of view is
the angle through which your eyeball rotates when you
look through an eyepiece and transfer your
gaze from one edge of the field to the other.
Not spherical, as in "the primary mirror of a Newtonian telescope
has an aspheric surface".
An aberration of optical systems. If you try to focus on a star with
a telescope whose only aberration is astigmatism, you will find that
the best-focus image is notably larger than in a similar telescope
with no astigmatism. Moreover, you will find that when you move the
focuser a little way one side of best focus, the star image straightens
out into a short straight-line segment. If you then move the focuser
the same distance the other side of best focus, you will find the
image to be a similar short straight-line segment, but oriented at
ninety degrees to the first one.
Pure astigmatism is relatively rare in telescopes. Astigmatism is
most often seen off axis, mixed with other aberrations -- often with
coma -- sometimes resulting in
bewilderingly complicated images.
averted vision
When you look squarely at something, you are using a part of the retina
of your eye that is not as sensitive to low light levels as the parts
that are off to the side. Thus to see faint objects, don't look
straight at them. Center them in the field of view of your telescope,
but fix your stare part way out to the edge of the field.
People sometimes ask which way to avert -- that is, which way away from
the center of the field to move their gaze. Try several.
back focal length
Classically, the distance from the last optical element of a system
encountered by the light passing through it, to the
focal plane. Opinions differ on whether flat mirrors and
diagonal prisms count as "optical elements", for
determining back focal length. I think they do not.
With classical all-lens optical systems, like
refractor objectives
and many camera lenses, back focal length is approximately what you get
if you put a measuring stick against the lens cell
and measure the distance to the focal plane. But with things like
Schmidt-Cassegrains, the term is
more confusing -- for that system, back focal length is measured from
the secondary, which is way up inside the tube.
There is an increasing tendency to measure the back focal length
of folded systems, like the various Cassegrain
types, from the point where the beam emerges from within the assembly
of optical parts -- e.g., from where it comes out of the hole in the
primary. Be careful of which meaning is in use.
Barlow lens
A negative (diverging) lens that fits into your telescope's focuser,
a little way inside the focal plane. It acts as a focal-length multiplier
for the telescope. Thus, suppose you have a telescope
with a focal length of 1000 mm. If you use a 10 mm focal-length
eyepiece, you will obtain a magnification of 1000/10 = 100x. With
a 2x Barlow lens used in front of the eyepiece, the telescope's
focal length will be increased to 2000 mm, and the same eyepiece
will give a magnification of 2000/10 = 200x.
The multiplication ratios of commercially available
Barlow lenses vary from 1.75 to 5. Barlow lenses are sometimes also
called telextenders.
Not all Barlow lenses work with all eyepieces and all telescopes.
Try before you buy.
barrel distortion
An aberration of optical systems, in which magnification decreases
with distance away from the optical axis. With such a system, squares
are imaged with their sides bulged out, looking sort of like barrels.
(Actually, the points of the squares are imaged a little bit less far
out than where they ought to be, because of the reduced magnification
in the outer part of the field.) Also see
pincushion distortion.
Two telescopes held side by side, so you can look at something with
both eyes at once. Binoculars make quite good instruments for
beginning astronomers, and even advanced amateurs find them fun
and useful.
Binoculars are traditionally labeled with two numbers, separated by
the letter "x", as in "7x50". The "x" is read as "by"; hence a binocular
labeled "7x50" is called a "seven by fifty". In such a pair of numbers,
the first one is how many times the binocular magnifies, and the
second is the clear aperture of its front
lenses, in millimeters. Thus a 7x50 magnifies seven times, and has
front lenses 50 mm in diameter.
Note that what most people call "a pair of binoculars" is in fact
just one binocular: That is, a binocular is sufficient for two eyes;
a pair of binoculars will do for four.
Brandon eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Brandon is a "house brand" of
and is applied to a variety of products, including a well-established
line of eyepieces that are generally known as just "Brandons".
Several of the short to medium focal-length Brandon eyepieces are
advertised as orthoscopics,
yet they appear upon disassembly to resemble
Plossls. (There are in fact several
eyepiece designs that are properly labeled "orthoscopic":
Brandons likely are one of the less common ones.)
They have moderately wide
apparent fields of view,
of about 45 degrees.
Former United States telescope manufacturer,
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Made
equipment for both professionals and amateurs, including
several large observatory classic refractors.
Carl Zeiss
German manufacturer of telescopes, other optical equipment,
and accessories. Zeiss has sold to professionals regularly,
but has been in and out of the amateur market.
Zeiss Abbe orthoscopic eyepieces are well-regarded
for planetary work.
In the strictest sense, a Cassegrain telescope is a reflecting
telescope that uses two curved mirrors of particular shapes
to form the image: The
primary mirror is a concave paraboloid, just as in a
The secondary mirror
is a much smaller convex hyperboloid,
positioned a little way toward the primary from the primary's
focal plane. The secondary reflects the converging beam of
light back toward the primary, which typically has a hole in
the center, so that the focal plane of the combined mirrors
is easily accessible behind the primary.
More loosely, the term "Cassegrain", or "Cassegrain configuration",
or "Cassegrain system",
has come to be applied to any telescope in which a large primary
mirror and a small convex secondary mirror are among the elements used
to form the image. Common Cassegrain systems include the
in which a corrector plate which appears
flat to the unaided eye is mounted just skyward of the secondary
mirror, and several varieties of
Maksutov-Cassegrain, in which
a correcting lens that resembles a thick watch glass is similarly
mounted. In some Maksutov-Cassegrains,
the secondary mirror is an aluminized spot on the correcting lens.
There are many other Cassegrain systems besides the ones just mentioned.
In some, the only difference from the classical Cassegrain is that
the two mirrors are not the traditional paraboloid/hyperboloid
A catadioptric optical system is one that uses both lenses and mirrors
to form the image. Flat mirrors, panes of flat glass,
and prisms which are used to reflect the light beam about, do not count
in making this determination. Common
catadioptric systems include
Schmidt-Cassegrains and Maksutovs, but
there are lots of others.
Former United States telescope manufacturer,
mid twentieth century. Made mostly amateur instruments.
Particularly noted for the fine optics of the
"Astrola" product line, of which
the Newtonians are most famous.
The mechanical support that grips a lens or mirror, and which is
in turn fastened to the telescope tube, or to some other piece of
telescope structure.
cemented doublet
chromatic aberration
chromatic difference of magnification
An aberration of optical systems, in which the magnification is
different in different colors of light. One might think of the
image of an object seen with such an aberration, as composed of
superimposed red, green, and blue images of slightly different
Chromatic difference of magnification is often detectable as
colored fringes at the edges of objects of different colors
or brightness, near the edges of the field of view. It is
particularly common in binoculars.
Chromatic difference of magnification is also called
lateral color.
chromatic variation of spherical aberration
classic refractor
clear aperture
The diameter of the beam of light that goes into a telescope. In most
cases, that is the unobstructed diameter of the front lens, or the
corrector, or the primary mirror.
clock drive
"Coated" is most commonly used to describe a lens or prism in which
the surfaces where the beam of light goes from air into glass, or
from glass into air, have been coated with something that reduces
the amount of light that gets reflected. That reflected light is lost to
the image, and may cause glare, so reducing it is desirable. The
coatings that do this are more correctly called
low-reflection coatings
-- for after all, mirrors are coated, too, but with something
that is supposed to increase reflectivity rather than reduce it.
But the term "coated" is common usage for "coated with low-reflection
There is another meaning, that has to do with marketing terminology.
If you bought a binocular that had "coated optics", you might naively
think that all the surfaces where a beam of light went from
air into glass, or from glass into air, were coated with low-reflection
coatings, right? Wrong! The common usage in optical advertising is
that "coated optics" merely means that some of those surfaces are
so coated -- perhaps only one. To get what you thought
you were buying, you would have to seek a binocular that was
"fully coated".
Also see multicoated and
fully multicoated.
A telescope is said to be collimated when all its optical parts
are correctly aligned with respect to one another -- everything
is square, centered, and spaced correctly. Some instruments
have collimation set at the time of manufacture, and with luck,
the collimation will be correct for the life of the instrument;
these instruments include binoculars and many small refractors.
Others require frequent tweaking, which is sometimes a vexing task;
these include most Newtonian reflectors.
An aberration of optical systems. The image of a star, in a telescope
whose only aberration is coma, resembles a short, stubby comet with
a broad tail, or a side view of a badminton birdie.
Pure coma is relatively rare in telescopes. Coma is most often seen
off axis, mixed with other aberrations -- often with
astigmatism --
sometimes resulting in bewilderingly complicated images.
compound telescope
I include this common word because the amateur astronomy
community often uses it in two very different senses without being
clear which is which. To someone concerned with the measurement
of light, contrast is merely the ratio of brightnesses of two parts
of an image. You can determine it by actually measuring the
brightnesses with a photocell, or a light meter, or some such
thing, and dividing. But to someone concerned with the processing
which the brain and eye do when light falls upon the retina,
contrast might more often mean how well two areas of different
brightness are distinguished; for example, can you see such-and-such
a faint galaxy on the black sky beyond it?
The relationship between contrast as measured by light meters and
contrast as reported by visual observers, is complicated and
poorly understood. How well two areas of different brightness
are distinguished by the eye and brain has to do with lots more
than the ratio of brightnesses.
corrector plate
Former and resurrected United States manufacturer of telescopes and
accessories, late twentieth century. Coulter was the first successful
mass producer of inexpensive Dobson-mounted
telescopes. Following the death of its founder, the company filed for
bankruptcy in the mid 1990s. Its assets and name were bought by
another company -- Murnaghan -- and telescopes under the Coulter name
returned to production.
Crayford focuser
A fancy type of telescope focuser
in which the focus tube is moved
by a roller, and may well slide on rollers, as well. Crayford focusers
are noted for smooth, slack-free motion, and for precisely adjustable
Former United States manufacturer of amateur telescopes and
accessories, mid twentieth century. Criterion was particularly
noted for quality Newtonians,
notably the relatively inexpensive
Dynascope line. Criterion also produced
Schmidt-Cassegrains, though not as
successfully as
Celestron and Meade.
curvature of field
An aberration of optical systems, in which the surface on which
images in sharp focus are formed is not flat, but curved. Curvature
of field is also called field curvature.
dark adaptation
Your eye does not reach its full power of detecting low light levels --
its full dark adaptation --
until you have been in a dark environment for quite a long time --
perhaps several hours. To obtain full dark adaptation, the darkness
of the surroundings must be very deep. Many observing sites have
enough stray light from nearby towns and cities to prevent full
dark adaptation.
Do not confuse this hours-long process with the opening of the pupils
of your eyes to their maximum diameter: That takes at most tens of
seconds. Dark adaptation has to do with slower changes in the sensitivities
of light-detecting cells on the retinas of the observer's eyes.
D & G
Dawes limit
The Dawes limit is an empirically determined standard of how well
an excellent small telescope can be expected to perform, in excellent
conditions, when observing
double stars that are not too faint, in which the two components are
of the same brightness, or very nearly so. The empirical result is
that double stars can be distinguished as separate when they
are as closely separated as 4.56 arc-seconds, divided
by the telescope clear aperture in
inches. Thus a four-inch telescope can expect to resolve such
double stars down to a separation of 4.56 / 4.00 = 1.14 seconds of arc.
In metric units, the formula is 116 arc-seconds divided by the
clear aperture in millimeters.
To be just barely distinguished means there will be
a barely perceptible dark line between the images of the two components.
Note that the ability to perceive such a dark line may vary from
observer to observer: The Dawes limit has to do with the physiology
of human vision as well as the optical quality of telescopes. (And
Dawes was noted for having particularly acute vision.)
Dawes performed his experiments, on which the formula is based, using
refractors. It turns out that telescopes in which a
secondary mirror or
diagonal mirror obstructs part of the
incoming beam, can do ever so slightly better than the limit, for stars
of equal brightness, but they don't do as well as refractors when
the brightness of the stars is considerably different.
One of two coordinates for the celestial sphere, which are analogous
to latitude and longitude for the Earth's surface. The declination
of an object is how many degrees it is north or south of the
celestial equator. The other coordinate is called
right ascension, and it is measured
eastward from a somewhat arbitrary "prime meridian" on the sky.
The "prime meridian" passes through the position of the Sun at the
time of the vernal equinox. Thus its position changes slowly over
the years, due to the precession of the equinoxes. The position
of the celestial poles also changes with precession. Thus, to locate an
object from its right ascension and declination, you must also know
the date for which those coordinates are valid; that date is called the
epoch of the coordinates.
deep sky
Deep sky astronomical objects are generally considered to be those
which lie beyond the solar system, except that some people do not
include double stars and variable stars. That's not because these
objects do not lie beyond the solar system -- they certainly do -- but
because the term "deep sky" evolved to describe what many people do
with large-aperture telescopes at low to medium magnification. What
they do is look at galaxies, star clusters and nebulae. It is a
mouthful to say "I look at galaxies, star clusters and nebulae", and
much easier just to say "I look at deep-sky objects".
Veteran deep-sky observers can routinely detect extremely faint
objects in circumstances when less experienced observers see nothing.
They use terms like "faint fuzzy nothing", "lumpy darkness", and "the
elusive Elvis Nebula", a lot.
dew cap
A cylindrical extension of the telescope tube beyond the upper end,
whose purpose is to retard the formation of dew on optical elements
at or near that end. Dew caps are common on refractors, but often
are useful on Schmidt-Cassegrains
and Maksutovs.
Many Newtonians
also might benefit from extensions of the tube, to keep dew off the
diagonal mirror.
diagonal mirror
There are two meanings. The small flat mirror used near the upper
end of a Newtonian telescope, to direct
the converging beam of light
over to the side of the tube, is called the diagonal mirror. (Now
and then you see a Newtonian
that uses a prism instead of a mirror.)
Alternatively, star diagonals,
that use mirrors and not prisms, are sometimes also
called diagonal mirrors.
diffraction limited
A perfect telescope, used in perfect conditions, does not deliver a
perfectly sharp image. A detailed explanation of why requires a modest
amount of physics, and has to do with the wave nature of light.
The relevant physical phenomenon is sometimes called "diffraction"
(not quite correctly, if you are a purist). Thus an optical system
is said to be "diffraction limited" when it is so good, that when
used in excellent conditions (seeing is steady, telescope has cooled
down to the local air temperature, telescope is well collimated...),
then only the wave nature of light itself prevents the telescope
from delivering perfectly sharp images.
To say that a telescope is diffraction limited, is to say that no
conceivable improvement in its optical quality can make its images
noticeably sharper. (You are not allowed to increase the aperture or change
the telescope design, however.) That is an extremely strong
statement: Think "a perfect ten" -- or maybe a 9.8; not merely "good enough",
but "superb".
Marketeers frequently abuse the term "diffraction limited". To read
some ads, you'd think it meant "any telescope manufactured by us". But
in my opinion, only a very small proportion of the astronomical telescopes
produced for the commercial market are truly diffraction limited, and only
a few limited-production manufacturers produce such systems for their
entire product line.
Also see Rayleigh criterion and
Dawes limit.
digital setting circles
Electronic apparatus to achieve the function of
setting circles;
that is, to indicate where in the sky your telescope is pointed. These
devices are generally capable of performing trigonometry to correct for
imperfect polar alignment
of your telescope, or to allow them
to be used with an
altazimuth mounting.
An aberration of optical systems, in which magnification changes
systematically with distance away from the optical axis, causing
distortions of images. See barrel
distortion and
pincushion distortion.
An atrocious abbreviation for the last name of noted telescope maker
and inventor John Dobson. See Dobson
mounting, for example. If I ever invent something that
gets my name attached to it, I hope they never call it a "Freem"...
Dobson mounting
An ingenious modern altazimuth
mounting, invented by San Francisco telescope maker John Dobson,
which uses such slippery plastics as Dupont's "Teflon" to achieve very
smooth bearing operation. Dobson-mounted telescopes generally require
no slow-motion controls: They are guided by hand, even when observing
with substantial magnification. Telescopes as large as a meter in clear aperture have been so mounted. I
personally have operated a 45 cm Dobson-mounted Newtonian at a magnification of 1200x, which was
pushing the limit for hand guiding, but which did work, and which
provided a view of the lunar surface normally reserved for astronauts.
Dobson-mounted telescopes are almost always
Newtonians, but other
telescope types have been so mounted.
Another name for a telescope with a
Dobson mounting.
Dobsonians are most commonly Newtonians,
but strictly, the term applies only to the mounting type, not the
optical system.
Two simple lenses used in combination, placed close together or
in contact. If they are cemented together, they constitute a
"cemented doublet". If they are
merely closely adjacent, they are a
"separated doublet".
dust cap
A lid for one end of a telescope tube, to keep dust from settling on
the optics.
ED doublet
An achromat made with
ED glass. The most common
commercially available ED doublets are better
than achromats made with conventional
glass, by a factor of about four, at bringing
all colors of visible light to the same focal position, but not as
good as fluorite doublets.
ED glass
Edmund Scientific
United States supplier of diverse scientific paraphernalia, including
telescopes, accessories, and related components. Edmund was founded
in the mid-twentieth century, and for many years did a substantial
business that featured military surplus material in great variety.
Its present astronomical offerings include the AstroScan,
which is a very portable fast 4.25-inch
Newtonian, as well as the RKE line of
The coordinates commonly use for the celestial sphere, which are analogous
to latitude and longitude for the Earth's surface, are called
right ascension
and declination.
The "prime meridian" of this system passes
through the position of the Sun at the
time of the vernal equinox. Thus its position changes slowly over
the years, due to the precession of the equinoxes. The position
of the celestial poles also changes with precession. Thus, to locate an
object from its right ascension and declination, you must also know
the date for which those coordinates are valid; that date is called the
epoch of the coordinates.
equatorial mounting
A telescope mounting in which one of the axes about which the
telescope rotates is pointed parallel to the Earth's axis of rotation.
Such a telescope can be made to follow celestial objects across the sky, as
the Earth rotates, merely by turning this one axis at a constant rate
of one revolution per day. A simple, geared-down motor can be used to do so.
See sidereal drive.
Erfle eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. The Erfle has a rather wide
apparent field of view
-- perhaps 68 degrees or more. The image quality
at the edges of the field, at small
focal ratios, is not as good
as for more modern wide-field eyepieces.
It used to be said that Erfles were "Erfle big and Erfle
expensive", but no longer -- modern wide-field eyepieces are more
massive and more expensive, by far.
Erfles are generally composed of five or six simple lenses,
grouped into two doublets and a
singlet, or three doublets.
exit pupil
More or less, the beam of light that comes out of the
of a telescope. (More nearly correctly, the image of the
formed by the eyepiece.)
The diameter of the exit pupil is equal to
the clear aperture divided
by the magnification in use. If
that diameter is greater than the diameter of the pupil of the observer's
eye, then not all of the light entering the telescope will reach the
observer's retina: Some will be wasted.
Eyepieces are glorified magnifying glasses used to view the image formed
by the objective of a telescope.
That image could in principle
be cast onto a sheet of paper, placed at the right place in the telescope's
optical path (or perhaps captured on a piece of photographic film at the
same position). If you will imagine using a magnifying glass to examine
the image, on that same piece of paper, you will get an idea of what an eyepiece
does -- except, of course, that it does it without the paper.
Eyepieces come in various types. Every eyepiece has a
focal length.
The magnification that results when a given eyepiece is used with a
given telescope, is equal to the focal length of the telescope divided
by the focal length of the eyepiece. Thus if the telescope has a
focal length of 1000 mm and the eyepiece has a focal length of 25 mm,
the magnification will be 1000 / 25, or 40.
eye relief
The distance from the surface of the rearmost lens of the eyepiece, to the exit
pupil. When the eyepiece is in use, that distance should be the
distance from the rearmost lens of the eyepiece to the iris of the
observer's eye. Note that the iris is a few mm behind the front
surface of the eye. The remaining distance is the space between the
observer's eye and the eyepiece: It is the clearance available for
moving the observer's head without bumping the telescope, and is also
the place where the observer's spectacles must fit, if they are worn
while observing.
field curvature
An aberration of optical systems, in which the surface on which
images in sharp focus are formed is not flat, but curved. Field
curvature is also called curvature
of field.
field flattener
Field curvature can be corrected
by a simple lens placed at or close to the focal "plane" of the
instrument in question. Such a lens is called a field flattener.
If the field curvature is concave toward the incoming beam of
light, the field flattener must be a negative lens. If the field
curvature is convex toward the incoming beam of light, the field
flattener must be a positive lens. The size of the field flattener
must be equal to or slightly greater than the size of the desired
flat field.
field glass
field glasses
An instrument rather resembling a
binocular, but which uses a
design, instead of prisms,
to achieve an upright image. Field glasses are thereby generally
lighter and less expensive than binoculars,
but -- a disadvantage of the particular type of
eyepiece used -- they have an extremely narrow
apparent field of view.
In essence, this instrument consists of two
Galilean telescopes
mounted side by side, as for a
However, contemporary
usage does not apply the term "binocular" to two Galilean telescopes
so mounted.
It is uncommon to see field glasses of sufficient optical quality
to use for astronomy, though their light weight may make them
desirable for use by very young beginners. Field glasses are also
in common use as opera glasses,
for concerts and the theater.
Note that although two of any other kind of telescope mounted side
by side are called a "binocular" -- not a "pair of binoculars";
nevertheless, two Galilean telescopes mounted side by side are
called "field glasses" (plural). That is because
"field glass" is another name for
Galilean telescope.
It is perhaps best not to think about what you would do if you
needed a short phrase to describe a collection of Galilean telescopes.
A small, low-magnification telescope or sight, equipped with a
cross-hair or similar
device, to be mounted upon a larger telescope as an aid to locating
objects for viewing.
Library paste used as an optical material.
I'm sorry, that was a joke: "Flourite" is a common misspelling of
"fluorite". I do not think that there are
any commercial optics made from library paste, but sometimes I wonder.
fluorite doublet
An achromat in which one lens is
fluorite. Fluorite doublets are better
than achromats made with conventional
glass, by a factor of about eight, at bringing
all colors of visible light to the same focal position.
focal length
The focal length of a thin, simple lens is the distance from the lens to
the image it forms of an object that is very far away. For more complicated
optical systems, the focal length generally does not correspond to any
easily measurable distance. It is instead the focal length of a simple
lens which would give the same size image of an object that is very
far away.
focal plane
The surface on which a lens or objective forms an image: Where you would
have to put a piece of paper to catch an image in sharp focus. The term
"focal plane" is often a misnomer, for the focal surface is often not
flat, but curved.
focal ratio
The ratio of focal length to
clear aperture, generally
written as the letter "f", followed by a slash, followed by the
ratio, like this: f/8. Such an "f/8" system (pronounced "eff eight")
has a focal length equal to eight times
its clear aperture.
Focal ratios which are large numbers are said to be long or
slow; those which are small numbers are said to be short
or fast. There are no sharp lines for determining when to use
these terms, but among contemporary astronomical telescopes, any
telescope with a focal ratio slower (bigger number) than f/12 would
probably be said to be slow, and any telescope with a focal ratio
faster (smaller number) than f/6, would be said to be fast.
Fast systems often have more aberrations away from the center of the
field of view, than do slow ones. Fast systems are generally more
demanding of eyepiece designs, than are
slow ones: In practical terms, fast systems generally require more
expensive eyepiece designs than do slow ones.
The part of a telescope into which you put the
eyepiece, together
with whatever arrangement it has for focusing the image.
fork mounting
A telescope mounting in which the
optical tube assembly is
carried between the tines of a stubby, two-armed fork. The
rotates about the bearings which attach it to the arms, and the
"handle" of the fork also rotates, thus providing the telescope with
the two motions it needs to point in any direction.
If the handle of the fork points parallel to the Earth's axis of
rotation, the system is an equatorial fork mounting. If it points
vertically, it is an altazimuth fork mounting. A
Dobson mounting
is a particular type of specialized altazimuth fork
mounting, made of specific materials.
fully coated
fully multicoated
A marketing term for an optical system in which every optical surface
where light passes from glass into air, or from air into glass,
is coated with one of the newer, high-tech
low-reflection coatings,
which transmit more light than such earlier ones
as magnesium fluoride. Also see coated,
fully coated,
and multicoated.
United States manufacturer of relatively large optics
for amateur-sized Newtonians.
Galilean telescope
The kind of telescope built by Galileo featured a
singlet objective and a
singlet eyepiece.
The eyepiece -- a Galilean eyepiece --
consisted of a so-called "negative" lens, which is what
most people think of as the opposite of a magnifying glass. This kind
of lens gives a very narrow
apparent field of view,
but it gives an image that is upright and has the left and right
sides correctly positioned; most astronomical telescopes
give an image that is upside down, or has left and right reversed.
In Galileo's original telescope, neither of the lenses was an
achromat, so the instrument had considerable
chromatic aberration.
By extension, however, any telescope which uses a negative lens for the
eyepiece is called a Galilean telescope, even
if it uses achromatic lenses.
Because of their simplicity, Galilean telescopes are very inexpensive
to manufacture. They are thus common as toys. Two Galilean telescopes
mounted side by side, as for a
binocular, constitute
field glasses.
Note that although two of any other kind of telescope mounted side
by side are called a
-- not a "pair of binoculars";
nevertheless, two Galilean telescopes mounted side by side are
called "field glasses" (plural). That is because
"field glass" is another name for
Galilean telescope.
It is perhaps best not to think about what you would do if you
needed a short label for a collection of Galilean telescopes.
German equatorial mounting
A telescope mounting in which the
optical tube
assembly is attached
at right angles to one of two long, rotating shafts, which are also at
right angles to one another.
The first shaft -- the right ascension
axis or polar axis -- points parallel
to the Earth's axis of rotation. The first shaft carries the bearings
within which the second shaft rotates. The second shaft -- the
declination axis,
which carries the telescope -- points toward the celestial equator.
Rotation of the polar axis, and of the declination axis about its
attachment point to the polar axis, allows the telescope to point
in any direction. The end of the declination axis opposite to the
telescope carries a counterweight.
ghost images
Ghost images are spurious images caused by unwanted reflections in an
optical system. The are sometimes in focus, or nearly so. Several
common eyepiece designs are plagued by ghosts. To look at Jupiter,
for example, with such an eyepiece, is perhaps to see a second,
dimmer, image of the planet in the field of view, changing its
relative position with respect to the real image as the telescope
is moved.
Japanese optical manufacturer whose amateur-sized telescopes and
accessories were imported into the United States in the mid 20th
century. Goto is perhaps better-known for planetarium projectors.
There is occasional confusion between "Goto", the manufacturer, and
"goto", meaning a computer-controlled telescope
with a command interface in which the observer tells the telescope
what object to "go to" next.
goto, or go-to
Shorthand for the kind of command interface to a computer-controlled
telescope, in which the observer tells the telescope what object to
"go to" next. Not to be confused with the optical manufacturer, "Goto".
In the strictest sense, a Gregorian telescope is a reflecting
telescope that uses two specific shapes of concave mirrors to form the
image: The primary mirror is a concave paraboloid, just as in a Newtonian. The secondary mirror is a much
smaller concave ellipsoid, positioned a little way beyond the
primary's focal plane. The secondary reflects the beam of light
diverging from the focus, back toward the primary, which typically has
a hole in the center, so that the focal plane of the combined mirrors
is easily accessible behind the primary.
More loosely, the term "Gregorian", or "Gregorian configuration",
or "Gregorian system",
has come to be applied to any telescope in which a large primary
mirror and a small, extra-focal, concave secondary mirror
are among the elements used
to form the image. Gregorian systems are uncommon among contemporary
astronomical telescopes: Celestron
briefly manufactured a 66 mm aperture
Gregorian Maksutov, but I cannot think of any other recent commercially
available units.
It is common to confuse Gregorian telescopes with the
designs by John Gregory. The latter are correctly called
"Gregory Maksutovs", but they
are not Gregorian configurations; they are
Cassegrain configurations.
Gregory Maksutov
Russian manufacturer of telescopes and components. Actually, there
are two closely related businesses, Intes and Intes Micro -- I lump them
here together because of the similarity in names. Both are noted for
high-quality Maksutov telescopes.
helical focuser
A telescope focuser in which adjustment
of focus is made by
screwing in and out either the eyepiece itself, or a focus tube which
contains it. Many binoculars have a helical focuser for one or both
Huygenian eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Same as
Huygens eyepiece.
The Huygenian is among the oldest of eyepiece designs. It has a
narrow apparent field of view --
perhaps only 30 degrees -- and works well only with telescopes which
have quite long focal ratios. Many
inexpensive small refractors come equipped with Huygenian eyepieces,
which not only have the faults just listed, but are also often not
very well made. However, a decent Huygenian -- if you can find one --
will work reasonably well with focal
ratios of perhaps f/15 or more.
The simplest form of Huygenian eyepiece is composed of two simple lenses,
each flat on one side and convex on the other. The lens nearest
your eye is smaller and has a shorter focal length than the other.
The flat sides of both lenses are toward your eye. Even though
neither of the lenses is an achromat,
Huygenian eyepieces do an excellent job of correcting
lateral color.
Huygens eyepiece
J. W. Fecker
Former United States manufacturer of telescopes, mid twentieth
century. Fecker sold both to amateurs and professionals.
Major United States importer of low-end telescopes and other optical
goods. Jason's low-end products are inadequate for serious
astronomy, and are often overpriced by unscrupulous retailers. Some
of its better products are perhaps acceptable for beginner use.
Kellner eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. In essence, the Kellner is an
achromatized Ramsden.
It has a slightly larger
apparent field of view
than the Ramsden, and works at slightly faster
focal ratios. Kellners tend to have rather prominent
Kellner eyepieces consist of a small
achromat -- a
cemented doublet -- near your eye, and a simple
lens at the far end of the eyepiece.
kidney-bean effect
A popular name for an image defect seen when using an eyepiece which
(1) has an exit pupil almost as large as the
pupil of the user's eye, and (2) is afflicted with an uncommon
aberration called "spherical aberration of the exit pupil". The
presence of that aberration, in essence, means that you must hold your
eye a distance from the eyepiece that varies, depending on whether you
want to look at things near the center of the field, or near the edge.
Having your eye in the wrong place, and a little off center, as well,
results in the appearance of a dark, kidney-bean shaped patch, part
way out to the edge of the field. The only common eyepiece type in
which this effect is noticeable is the early version of the Tele Vue
Koenig eyepiece
A family of eyepiece designs. Koenigs have a rather wide
apparent field of view
-- perhaps as much as 70 degrees.
The various eyepieces commonly labeled "Koenig" contain anywhere
from four to seven simple lenses, grouped into various combinations
of cemented doublets and
"Koenig" is sometimes spelled "Konig".
Lanthanum LV eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Lanthanum LV is a "house brand" of the
large Japanese optical manufacturer,
Vixen. The Lanthanum LV eyepiece
series is particularly noted for having a long
eye relief of 20 mm,
even for the shortest focal lengths.
At least some of the Lanthanum LV eyepieces are composed of seven
simple lenses, cemented together into three doublets and a singlet.
The frontmost doublet consists in essence of a
built-in Barlow lens. The rest of the
eyepiece comprises two doublets separated by a singlet.
lateral color
light-pollution reduction filter
A filter specially prepared to reflect wavelengths which are prominent
in light pollution, and transmit other wavelengths. Such a filter
improves the contrast of deep-sky objects,
when light pollution is present.
What makes good light-pollution reduction filters possible is that
much light pollution comes from mercury-vapor and sodium-vapor
street lights, which emit preferentially in narrow spectral ranges.
limiting magnitude
The magnitude of the faintest stars which can be seen with a
given optical system. It depends on the
aperture, magnification,
sensitivity of the observer's eye, sky transparency,
light pollution, and steadiness of the air.
longitudinal chromatic aberration
An aberration of optical systems, in which the focal length
of a system is different for different colors of light.
If you were to try to focus the image of a white star, in a
telescope in which the only aberration was longitudinal
chromatic aberration, your eye -- being most sensitive to green
light -- would lead you to position the focuser so that green
light was in focus. At that point, the red and blue light from
the star would not be in focus, but would merge to form an out-of-focus
violet halo about the star.
longitudinal color
United States manufacturer of well-machined, high-quality,
German equatorial mountings, in several sizes, with
diverse accessories and attachments.
low-reflection coating
Any of several coating materials whose purpose is to reduce
unwanted reflections from optical elements which are supposed to
transmit light. These optical elements include lenses and prisms.
When a beam of light passes from air into glass, or from glass
into air, most glasses transmit only about 96 percent of the light,
and reflect the rest. The first coating material that was widely
used commercially, magnesium fluoride, increased the transmission
to 98 percent. More modern coatings, comprised of multiple
layers of material (see multicoated),
transmit 99 percent or more.
There is a great deal of marketing gibberish obscuring the kind
and quality of coatings in use on commercially-available optics.
See coated,
fully coated,
multicoated, and
fully multicoated.
LPR filter
MA eyepiece
Mag 1 Instruments
United States manufacturer of medium-sized amateur-size truss-tube
Newtonian telescopes, on an innovative
and very portable mounting.
The magnification that results when a given
is used with a
given telescope, is equal to the focal length of the telescope divided
by the focal length of the eyepiece.
Maksutov corrector
A particular kind of lens used in Maksutov
optical systems. Maksutov correctors are thick, and have strongly curved,
nearly concentric, surfaces. They resemble large, thick
watch-glasses, or certain styles of art-deco ash trays.
Masuyama eyepiece
A five-element eyepiece sometimes described as a "hybrid Plossl", with better performance away from
the center of the field. I believe the design consists of two doublets with a singlet in
between, but I am not sure.
Major United States manufacturer and importer of telescopes and
accessories. Meade got its start as an importer of small telescopes
and components in the 1970s, then expanded into
Newtonians, and finally
took off big-time as a competitor to Celestron
in the Schmidt-Cassegrain
market. Current product line includes a variety of
Maksutov-Cassegrain, and
telescopes, as well as numerous accessories.
mirror diagonal
monocentric eyepiece
A class of related eyepiece designs. Monocentrics tend to have
very narrow apparent
fields of view, and prominent
ghost images, but they have only two air/glass interfaces, hence
very little scattered light. Good ones therefore make nice eyepieces for
Lunar, planetary, and double-star work.
All the types of monocentric eyepiece that I know of consist of three
simple lenses, cemented together into a triplet.
A spotting telescope, which resembles half a
binocular. Monoculars
are often hand-held, and are used in much the same way, and for the same
purposes, as binoculars.
mounting rings
Circular clamps which fasten around an
optical tube assembly
and are threaded, machined, or otherwise prepared to fasten to a
mounting. Also called tube rings.
"Multicoated" describes a lens or prism in which
the surfaces where the beam of light goes from air into glass, or
from glass into air, has been coated with a high-tech, many-layered
coating that decreases
the amount of light that gets reflected. That reflected light is lost to
the image, and may cause glare, so reducing it is desirable. The
coatings that do this are more correctly called
low-reflection coatings
-- for after all, mirrors are coated, too, but with something
that is supposed to increase reflectivity rather than reduce it.
There is another meaning, that has to do with marketing terminology.
If you bought a binocular that had "multicoated optics", you might naively
think that all the surfaces where a beam of light went from
air into glass, or from glass into air, were coated with fancy low-reflection
coatings, right? Wrong! The common usage in optical advertising is
that "multicoated optics" merely means that some of those surfaces are
so coated -- perhaps only one surface! To get what you thought
you were buying, you would have to seek a binocular that was
"fully multicoated".
Also see coated and
fully coated.
Nagler eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Nagler is a "house brand" of Tele Vue.
These eyepieces are noted for a very wide
apparent field of view
-- 82 degrees -- and for excellent correction at fast
focal ratios. Naglers are big, heavy,
and expensive, and consist of seven or eight simple lenses
grouped together into four singlets
or doublets.
A simple and common design of reflector. The
objective is a
concave paraboloid at the lower end of the tube. A flat
diagonal mirror
near the upper end of the tube reflects the converging
beam over to the side of the tube, where the
focuser is mounted.
Japanese manufacturer of optical goods. Products for amateur
astronomers include several lines of high-quality
United States manufacturer of relatively large optics
for amateur-sized Newtonians.
object glass
Loosely, the big mirror or big lens of a telescope. Some times it is
a little hard to tell what optical components make up the objective
and what are accessories or auxiliaries.
Is a Schmidt corrector plate
or a
Maksutov corrector
part of the objective?
obstruction ratio
In telescopes which have a diagonal
mirror or a secondary mirror
so positioned as to obstruct part of the incoming beam of
light, the presence of that obstruction reduces the contrast of the
image somewhat. The amount of contrast degradation depends on the
relative size of the obstruction, compared to the
clear aperture
of the telescope. The question is, what number do we use to quantify
that proportion? The big issue is, do we report the ratio of areas,
or the ratio of diameters?
In a certain sense, it doesn't matter. Thus, a telescope with a
clear aperture
of 150 mm, having an obstruction that is 50 mm in diameter,
experiences the same loss of contrast whether we report the obstruction
as 0.33 (ratio of diameters) or 0.11 (ratio of areas). The important
thing is to make sure to specify which of the two ratios the reported
number actually is.
Historically, the usual quantity to report was the ratio of diameters.
Then various manufacturers started reporting the ratio of areas, as
a marketing gimmick: After all, an obstruction ratio of 0.11 sounds
smaller than one of 0.33, even if we are describing the same 150 mm
aperture telescope with its 50 mm obstruction, and particularly if
we forget to specify which ratio we are talking about.
It is probably simpler to report the ratio of diameters, if only
to save readers the possible effort of doing a square root if they
are given the ratio of areas and want to know the ratio of diameters.
Furthermore, most of the technical
literature that describes the effect of obstructions on contrast
uses the ratio of diameters as a parameter in things like equations
and graphs.
Said of a telescope whose optical elements (not counting simple flat mirrors
are not mechanically symmetric
about a single
optical axis. The common types are reflectors, in which the
primary mirror
is tilted, so as to deflect the reflected beam off to the side,
so that other optical components, which might otherwise partially
obscure the incoming beam, will not do so.
Many off-axis telescope designs are hard to make.
See, for example, the
Schiefspiegler or the
opera glasses
optical tube assembly
The tube that holds the optics, also called an OTA.
An optical tube assembly generally consists at minimum of all the optics it
takes to form an image (but not necessarily any
or star diagonal), plus mechanical
parts to
hold them in place, correctly
positioned with respect to one another, plus some sort of
Optical tube assemblies often also come with
tube rings,
and perhaps other gadgets.
The optical tube assembly for a
refractor of the traditional style
resembles a spy-glass. For a
Newtonian, it resembles a water
heater. For a
Schmidt-Cassegrain or a
a waste basket.
United States manufacturer and importer of telescopes, mountings, and
accessories, many of which are sold under their own "Orion" label.
Current products include Maksutovs, refractors, Newtonians,
and diverse accessories.
orthoscopic eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Orthoscopics have moderate
apparent fields of view
-- 40 or 45 degrees -- and work
pretty well at fast focal ratios.
Many consider them the best eyepieces for Lunar, planetary, and
double-star work.
There are actually several designs called "orthoscopic". The most
common kind has a simple lens nearest your eye, and a cemented
further away. Another kind resembles
a Plossl.
Technically, "orthoscopic" means "free from distortion" (in the sense
of pincushion distortion or barrel distortion). Over time, a
particular orthoscopic eyepiece design -- the triplet/singlet kind mentioned
above -- became so popular that now, "orthoscopic" has become
essentially a synonym for that specific design.
Panoptic eyepiece
Former United States manufacturer of amateur-sized telescopes and
accessories, mid to late twentieth century. Particularly
noted for Newtonians.
United States manufacturer of relatively large optics
for amateur-sized Newtonians.
pincushion distortion
An aberration of optical systems, in which magnification increases
with distance away from the optical axis. With such a system, squares
are imaged with their sides curved inward, looking sort of like
pincushions. (Actually, the points of the squares are imaged a little
bit further out than where they ought to be, because of the increased
magnification in the outer part of the field.) Also see barrel distortion.
Japanese manufacturer of optical goods. Products for amateur
astronomers include a line of high-quality refractors, and several lines of high-quality eyepieces.
Plossl eyepiece
polar alignment
The process of getting the axis of an
equatorial mounting that
is supposed to point parallel to the Earth's axis of rotation, to do so.
By extension, the process of orienting a telescope with a
computer-controlled altazimuth mount to the sky around it. Such a
telescope doesn't need to have particular mechanical parts pointing in
particular directions, but it does need to know which way is north and
which way is up, and can usually figure those things out by being
pointed to several known and specified stars in succession.
polar-alignment telescope
A small telescope permanently attached to an equatorial mounting,
aligned with the mounting axis that is supposed to point parallel
to the Earth's axis of rotation. The polar-alignment telescope
probably has markings visible through its eyepiece which can be
aligned with stars near the north or south celestial poles, to aid
in performing a polar alignment.
primary mirror
The big concave mirror of one of those telescope types that uses
a big concave mirror.
prime focus
The meaning of this term is changing. It used to apply only to
reflecting telescopes
in which the
primary mirror
was a paraboloid, and thus capable of forming an image all
by itself. Some such telescopes were built so that film or
some other equipment could be placed inside the tube, or perhaps
a bit beyond the upper end, to capture light that had reflected
only off the
primary mirror.
That location was called the "prime focus".
In some very large
professional telescopes, there was room inside the tube for an enclosed
space where an observer could sit, to guide the telescope when the
prime focus was in use. Yet even much smaller telescopes were sometimes
equipped to use the prime focus, using extra optics and what-not
to allow guiding from the side of the tube.
Other focal positions were named by the design of the optical system
that illuminated them -- the Newtonian focus for a
the Cassegrain focus for a
and so on. One also heard the term "prime focus" used for refractors,
when film or equipment was placed in the
focal plane
of the objective.
In many modern amateur telescopes, the
primary mirror
is not capable of forming an image all by itself, or even
if the
Schmidt corrector plate
or Maksutov corrector is included,
assuming there is one. Besides, "Gregory-Maksutov-Cassegrain focus", and
the like, is a mouthful. Perhaps for such reasons, the term "prime
focus" is increasingly being used in a more general manner: In
systems in which there is only one place where there is a
where an image is formed and you can get at it with an eyepiece or
some other equipment -- that location is called the "prime focus".
Note that there are systems in which the image can be accessed at
more than one location. For example,
reflecting telescopes
are still built with paraboloidal
primary mirrors,
which have interchangeable flat
diagonal mirrors
and hyperboloidal
secondary mirrors,
with a
installed both at the
Newtonian focus and the
Cassegrain focus.
For these systems, the term "prime focus" often indicates the
Newtonian focus.
An odd-shaped hunk of glass, often more or less triangular in
one cross-section, used to bend or reflect light internally.
prism diagonal
Line of
Maksutov telescopes, manufactured by OTI
in the late 1970s and 1980s. Noted for aesthetics, fit and finish.
quarter-wave optics
In telescope optics, quartz generally does not refer to
the crystalline material found in nature, but to a glassy substance,
fused quartz, formed by melting down lots of quartz crystals
(e.g., very pure sand) in an oven. Quartz has thermal properties that
make it valuable for lenses and mirrors alike, and optical properties
that are of particular use in certain kinds of systems, even those
which don't need its thermal properties. In particular, very fine
achromats can be made from quartz and
United States manufacturer of Maksutov
telescopes, founded in the 1950s. The 3.5-inch Questar has been known
for high mechanical and optical quality, immaculate fit and finish,
and elegant aesthetics, for some fifty years.
rack and pinion focuser
A focuser in which the tube
containing the eyepiece has a
straight row of gear teeth (the rack) running along one side of it,
which are engaged by a more conventional-looking gear (the pinion),
attached to a knob, in order to adjust the focus.
Radian eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Radian is a "house brand" of
Tele Vue.
These are well-corrected eyepieces with fairly large
apparent fields of view
(60 degrees), that work well at
fast focal ratios.
Radians were originally intended to have apparent fields of view of
one radian -- 57.3 degrees -- but that parameter was increased a little
before they were introduced.
I have never taken a Radian apart, but they are rumored to consist
of six or seven simple lenses, grouped into singlets
and cemented doublets.
Ramsden eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. The Ramsden is a very old design,
with a rather narrow apparent
field of view -- perhaps as
little as 30 degrees. Ramsdens do not work well at
focal ratios
shorter than about f/9, but good ones make surprisingly nice
eyepieces for Lunar, planetary, and double-star observation, at
longer focal ratios.
Ramsdens often have prominent
The simplest form of Ramsden consists of two identical simple
lenses, each flat on one side and convex on the other, with convex
sides facing each other, spaced apart by a distance
equal to or slightly less than their focal length. Even though
neither of the lenses is an achromat,
Ramsden eyepieces do an excellent job of correcting
lateral color.
Rayleigh criterion
The famous physicist, Lord Rayleigh, asserted that it would be
difficult to tell that an optical system was less than perfect,
if (1) it was well-enough figured that as a converging wavefront of light
approached focus, at most a small part it departed from the theoretically
correct shape, (2) the maximum difference in deviation from perfection,
measured between any two points on the wavefront, did not exceed a quarter
of the wavelength of light in question, and (3) the deviation was smooth.
Rayleigh was a smart man: Optics which meet this criterion are
indeed difficult to distinguish from optics which are truly
diffraction limited.
However, optics good enough to meet the
Rayleigh criterion are far less common than many marketers of telescopes
would have you believe. The business about "only a small part", often
gets forgotten, as does the business about "smooth",
and whereas Rayleigh specified a measurement of error
which in modern terms is called "peak to valley, on the wavefront",
optical accuracies are often reported on the optical surfaces, or as
plus/minus (+/-) or root-mean-square (RMS) deviations.
All of these other kinds
of report result in a smaller numerical value of the deviation, than
would be measured peak-to-valley, on the wavefront. The discrepancy
can be as much as a factor of six. Thus the common term
"quarter-wave optics" means exactly
nothing -- and probably, not what you hope it means -- unless it also
includes some indication of what measurement is reported.
A telescope in which only mirrors are used to form the image.
The eyepiece doesn't count, and if there are any prisms used
to redirect the beam of light, they don't count either.
reflex finder
reflex sight
A telescope in which only lenses are used to form the image. If there
are any mirrors or prisms used in the system, whose sole purpose
is to redirect the beam of light, they don't count: It's still a
An amateur astronomer who is fond of refractors
to the point of obsession, is said to have refractoritis. The disease is
expensive to cure, particularly if it is combined with
aperture fever.
Loosely, the ability of a telescope to show detail. Also known as
resolving power.
One common way to describe the resolution
of a telescope is to state the minimum angular separation at which
a double star, whose two components are fairly bright and have very
nearly the same brightness, can be distinguished as two separate
stars. See
Dawes limit.
resolving power
right ascension
One of two coordinates for the celestial sphere, which are analogous
to latitude and longitude for the Earth's surface. The right ascension
of an object is how far it lies east of a rather arbitrarily chosen
"prime meridian" in the celestial sphere.
Because the Earth rotates in twenty-four hours, right ascension is
not measured in degrees, but in hours and fractions thereof: An hour
of right ascension corresponds to fifteen degrees of "longitude" upon
the celestial sphere. The other coordinate is called
The "prime meridian" passes through the position of the Sun at the
time of the vernal equinox. Thus its position changes slowly over
the years, due to the precession of the equinoxes. The position
of the celestial poles also changes with precession. Thus, to locate an
object from its right ascension and declination, you must also know
the date for which those coordinates are valid; that date is called the
epoch of the coordinates.
A telescope closely resembling a classical, two-mirror-only
except that the primary mirror is an hyperboloid -- slightly more strongly
figured than the Cassegrain's paraboloid -- and the secondary is a
slightly stronger hyperboloid than that of the Cassegrain.
Ritchey-Chretiens are corrected for
coma as well as for spherical
aberration; thus they can deliver relatively sharp images across a
wider field of view than can Cassegrains. For that reason, many
of the large reflectors used by professional astronomers have been
made as Ritchey-Chretiens, and at
focal ratios suitable for
photographic work.
A particular type of
compound telescope:
Specifically, an
There are actually several kinds of Schiefspiegler, but they are
usually described with additional adjectives or nomenclature, as in
The original Schiefspiegler has a
primary mirror
with a relatively long
focal ratio. Schiefspieglers are
awkward and odd-looking -- some common ways to mount the optical
parts result in telescopes that resemble "washtub bass" musical
instruments, or perhaps certain kinds of hand-held garden sprayers.
(For that reason, they have occasionally been waggishly
referred to as "Sheepsprinklers".)
They are sometimes hard to keep in collimation, too.
Notwithstanding, they can deliver excellent images.
Schmidt camera
One of several related types of photographic telescope. The simplest
design consists of a concave spherical
primary mirror
with a Schmidt corrector plate
at its
center of curvature. Schmidt cameras usually have extremely fast
focal ratios, and provide very
high-quality images. The
focal "plane" of the simplest
design is not flat, but strongly curved,
and is furthermore positioned well inside the body of the camera, where
it is difficult to reach with an eyepiece. Hence the system is almost
always used as a camera.
Schmidt corrector plate
The key piece of any Schmidt-type optical system, such as a
Schmidt camera, a
Schmidt-Cassegrain, or any of
many others.
To the naked eye, a
Schmidt corrector plate looks like a flat piece of glass, but its surface
is actually figured in a subtle manner, to affect the spherical aberration
of the system in which it is used.
A Cassegrain configuration telescope
whose optics consist of
a concave primary mirror,
which is spherical in most of the common
commercial designs, a full-aperture
Schmidt corrector plate
mounted near the focal point of the mirror, and a small, convex
secondary mirror positioned in the converging beam, as in a true
The development of techniques to manufacture
Schmidt corrector plates
of reasonable quality (not everyone would call the quality "reasonable"),
in the 1960s, revolutionized amateur astronomy, by making available at
not too high a price telescopes which were were relatively compact and
portable: A Schmidt-Cassegrain
optical tube assembly is lots more
compact than that of a
Newtonian or
refractor of the same
secondary mirror
In telescopes which use more than one curved mirror to form the image,
the one which the light beam reaches second is called the secondary
mirror. It is usually smaller than the
primary mirror.
Marketing term intended to convey the impression that a telecope is
particularly well corrected for
longitudinal chromatic aberration. There is no
generally accepted technical definition for semi-apochromat. It is
probably wisest to assume that the phrase is meaningless.
separated doublet
setting circles
sidereal drive
"Quick, Chewie, the jump to lightspeed!" Sorry, that was a joke.
Actually, a mechanism used to make a telescope follow stars across the
sky as the Earth rotates.
Modern sidereal drives for small telescopes are generally electrically
powered and electronically regulated; older variants have used (a)
synchronous motors, with regulation provided by the number of cycles
per second of alternating-current line voltage, (b) clockwork
mechanisms with a pendulum or governor for regulation, (c)
clepsydra-style devices, with regulation provided by the slow leakage
of water, sand, or compressed air from a container, and (d) hired
help, turning a crank on the sidereal drive in precise synchronization
with the ticking of a clock. And that last was not a joke.
One simple lens used all by itself. Contrast with
doublet and triplet.
SMA eyepiece
Speers-Waler eyepiece
spherical aberration
An aberration of optical systems, in which the focal length of a
lens or mirror varies with distance sideways from its center. That
is, if you were to place different annular masks -- discs of paper
with a ring cut out -- squarely in front of such a lens or mirror,
you would find that the focal length you measured depended on the
size of the ring.
star diagonal
A gadget resembling an plumbing "elbow" fitting, containing a mirror
or prism, attached to a downward-pointing
focuser to redirect the beam of light upward for more convenient
viewing. That is, a star diagonal fits into a focuser, has an eyepiece
fitted into it, and bends the light path through a right angle.
star test
An optical test of a telescope performed using a star as the light
Super Wide Angle eyepiece
symmetrical eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. The optics of a symmetrical eyepiece
comprise two cemented doublets
oriented face-to-face. Many designs sold as
Plossl eyepieces are actually symmetrical:
True Plossls are not symmetrical.
Major United States importer of low-end telescopes and other optical
goods. Tasco's low-end products are perhaps inadequate for serious
astronomy, and are often overpriced by unscrupulous retailers. Some
of its better products are perhaps acceptable for beginner use.
In years gone by, Tasco has upon occasion imported very good small
refractors of 50 mm to 75 mm
clear aperture.
Tele Vue
United States manufacturer of telescopes and accessories. Tele Vue
is noted for several lines of eyepieces, including
Panoptics, and
and for several small, high-quality refractors.
The opposite of a
telextender or a
Barlow lens. A
telecompressor multiplies the
focal length of a telescope
by a factor which is less than one, thus reducing the
focal length.
Its purpose is generally to improve the photographic speed of a system,
so that the time exposures required to take pictures are not so long.
Former United States manufacturer of telescopes, mostly of
professional size, mid to late twentieth century. Tinsley
also produced refractors and
Cassegrain telescopes in size
ranges used by amateurs.
A common name for several related designs of
off-axis telescope, all related to the
Schiefspiegler, but using three
mirrors instead of two.
Three simple lenses used in combination, placed close together or
in contact.
truss-tube Dobson
A Dobson-mounted
telescope in which the telescope tube is
a truss assembly, perhaps looking like part of a bridge, or a
bird cage, or the skeleton of a rather baroque telephone booth.
Truss tubes are often designed for quick and easy assembly and
disassembly in the field, and the disassembled parts are not
very bulky. Thus a quite large telescope may be
transported in modest space.
Other types of telescopes than ones with
Dobson mountings
can, and do, have truss tubes, but the truss-tube Dobson has
become sufficiently popular -- and big ones are sufficiently
eye-catching -- to deserve a separate entry in this glossary.
truss-tube Dobsonian
tube rings
Ultima eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. Ultima is a "house brand" of
who use it to label many other products besides eyepieces.
Ultima eyepieces have moderate
apparent fields of view, of about 50
Ultima eyepieces are reported to consist of four to seven lenses,
grouped into various combinations of singlets
and cemented doublets.
Ultra Wide Angle eyepiece
UltraScopic eyepiece
A specific eyepiece design. UltraScopic is a "house brand" of
These eyepieces have moderate
apparent fields of view,
generally of 52 degrees.
UltraScopics are reported to consist of five or seven simple lenses,
grouped into a singlet and either two or three
cemented doublets.
unit-magnification finder
A finder which operates without magnification,
as do many rifle 'scopes. Such a device is in essence a miniature
head-up display: It
projects a cross-hair, illuminated bulls-eye, or similar pattern
on the sky, where the observer may view it easily with both eyes open.
Unit-magnification finders make it very easy to find objects which are
bright enough to be seen with the naked eye, or which are close enough
to naked-eye stars.
Japanese manufacturer of amateur-sized
classic refractors and
accessories. Unitron's heyday was in the 1950s and 1960s, but
the company is still around.
United States manufacturer of telescopes and accessories.
Vernonscope is particularly noted for the Brandon product line,
especially its
but has also manufactured excellent
small refractors from time to time.
Once upon a time, there actually was a separate company named Brandon,
but Vernonscope bought them out. What's more, Vernonscope was
recently bought by Gould Precision Optics, Inc., who continue to
advertise its products under the "Vernonscope" name.
zero-power finder
zoom eyepiece
Any eyepiece whose focal length can be varied,
perhaps by twisting a knurled ring on the barrel. Many do not work
well at all, though several recent models are notable exceptions to
this rule.